sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Why "More than Flamenco & Cooking Sevilla " ?

Because it´s GOOD ... for the BODYBRAINS SOUL ...www.ishowusevilla.com 

  • Passing it on to next generation. Every single culture we supply has a long rich history. Our culture, the Andalusian culture too. It is because of these ancestors who passed wisdom down to their children and grandchildren that we have these art of dance & food today. If you join us, we would be honored to be part of it by suppying you with knowledge and feelings to do so.
  • Learn Spanish. Spanish language incorporated into classes helps mantain the connetion to flamenco´s & andalusian cuisine´s origins.
  • Growth. Challenge your brain continually building new neurological connections.
  • Experience. Be a part of a group: create an experience. 
  • Have fun. We have fun doing it!.

More than Flamenco...
  • Build your confidence while increasing your overall muscle strength and brain health.
  • Strengthen your core, improve you posture and improve your mind body coordination though integrated movements. 
  • Improve your rhythm and expand your knowledge of a different culture while learning to express yourself individually.
  • Increased confidence, the act of having good time, and physical exercise all aid in brain development. Learn how get your GUAPA on!.
  • Practice being present how to perfomance. 
  • Practice expressing your feelings
  • Learn to listen to and follow your instincts
  • Feel Happy! Exercise and repetitive movement have been found to increase serotonin in the brain.
More than Cooking...

  • Satisfaction: Give satisfaction new tastes: there is nothing like home cooking.
  • Learn Andalusian culture & cuisine. Differents foods can take us to different places and experience differents tastes than we are used to and so we can learn about differents cultures though food. 
  • Pure & Real Ingredients: learning to cook for yourself let you choose the ingredients you want to use and you can make them as chemical free artificial-anything free as you like!.
  • Food brings people together: it makes no wonder so many holidays are centered around or are celebrated with food. 

  • Independence: learning to cook can give you a great sense of fredom and independence.
  • Cost: so many food cost a lot more when bought pre-packaged.
  • Careful watch over allergens: making cultured foods at home guarantees that your food is free of whatever it is your family wants to avoid.
  • Expression of Love: one of the greatest benefit of cooking, especially for others, is that by cooking you can express to others love and show how you care for them.
Our website: www.IshowUSevilla.com ....experience Sevilla...more than Flamenco&Cooking. JOIN US!!!

More than Flamenco & Cooking Sevilla for the body, brains & soul

Es un proyecto que nació de unir en un mismo ramo, todas las pasiones que me hacen disfrutar, dar y recibir satisfacciones ... porque las emociones se contagian ... porque el arte del flamenco y de la cocina llenan el cuerpo, el cerebro y el alma. 

Con el objetivo de desmitificar esta cultura nuestra, muchas veces restringida a la FLAMENCA , el TORERO, LA SIESTA y la PANDERETA ... he querido contar más ... alimentar de cultura y duende este privilegio para los sentidos ... al alcance de todo aquel sensible al arte. Por ello, he creado talleres de flamenco y cocina, 100% participativos, que pretenden integrar culturalmente, contar historias reales, en definitiva que se conviertan en una experiencia para los sentidos y el alma.

Asi nació, el slogan "more than flamenco & cooking Sevilla", que evolucionó y se lleno de contenido cultural para ofreceros mi sueño: IshowUSevilla, experience Sevilla  www.ishowusevilla.com

Estoy contentísima y entregada a este reto!!! .. tengo buen palpito!!! ... confío en ello ... os sigo contando!!!